Introduction to UE4 Game Ability System(GAS)

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In this course, we will walk you thought the process of using UE4’s ability system to create 5 fully featured abilities. we will start with simple concept and gradually go to more and more complicated setups. Animation, UI, AI, will all be introduced through the process.

Covered Topics:

  • Unreal Engine Ability Sytem

  • Animation Blueprint

  • UI Widget Blueprint

  • Cascade

  • AI Behavior Tree

  • UE4 C++

UE4 Version: 4.20

What you’ll learn

  • Create Comprehensive and Manageable Gameplay Abilities in Unreal Engine 4
  • Gain Medium Level Understanding of UE4’s C++ and Date Types.
  • Gain Medium Level Understanding of UE4’s Animation System
  • Gian Basic Understanding of UI setup in UE4

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • Basic Understanding of Unreal Engine 4
  • Basic Skill in C++
  • Will Power to Create Games

Who this course is for:

  • Game Developer, Students or hobbyist


Introduction to UE4 Game Ability System(GAS)


  • 10 Sections
  • 72 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration
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Section 1: Introduction
1 Lesson0 Quizzes
  1. Introduction(3:35)
Section 2: Build Basic Classes
9 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Create Project and Character(7:17)
  2. Basic Movement Control(8:07)
  3. Basic Rotation Control(5:23)
  4. AnimationBP EventGraph(7:35)
  5. AnimationBP BlendSpace(11:46)
  6. AnimationBP Jump(7:00)
  7. AnimationMontage MeleeAttack(9:16)
  8. AnimationMontage LayerBlendPerBone(11:23)
  9. AnimationMontage Notify(8:59)
Section 3: Melee Attack Ability
11 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Implement Basic AbilitySystem Functions(16:50)
  2. Create Melee Ability and Cooldown(12:00)
  3. Create Attribute Set And Health Attribute(7:39)
  4. Melee OverLaping Event(8:44)
  5. Animation Notify State and Send Gameplay Event(11:53)
  6. Damage GameplayEffect and PostGameplayEffect(11:31)
  7. HealthBarUI(16:25)
  8. Implement Dying Sequence(12:14)
  9. AI Setup and Implement UpdateTarget Task(10:07)
  10. Finish AI Behavior(5:00)
  11. TeamID and Disable Input when Dead(13:09)
Section 4: Health Regen Ability
7 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. UI And Glass Ball Mtl(13:10)
  2. Connect Health To Primary UI(11:13)
  3. Mana and Strength Attribute and UI(13:50)
  4. Create HealthRegen Gameplay Ability(11:38)
  5. Add Full Health Tag To Block HealthRegen Ability(11:51)
  6. Use GameplayCue to Play Gameplay Effect(9:44)
  7. HealthRegen VFX(11:09)
Section 5: Dashing Ability
14 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Dashing Ability Start Dash Forward(10:20)
  2. Disable Collision When Dashing(9:47)
  3. Deal Dash Damage(5:56)
  4. Do Dash Pushing(08:22)
  5. Dash Pushing Debug(10:10)
  6. Dash and Melee Hit Stun(15:09)
  7. Make Ability UI Material and Widget(16:44)
  8. Make AbilityBase Class and Info Structure(14:25)
  9. Implement GetAbilityInfo Function(15:07)
  10. Implement AquireAbilities and Add Ability To UI(11:59)
  11. ReBaseAbilitiyClasses and AddAllSlotsInPrimaryUI(10:53)
  12. Finish Add Ability ToUI Call Chain(12:19)
  13. Connect Inputs To Abilities In Slot(12:14)
  14. Implement UI Cooldown(14:40)
Section 6: Lazer Ability
9 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Lazer Beam Material(08:09)
  2. Lazer Rotation Wheel Mtl(08:12)
  3. Lazer Rotation Fire Mtl(14:00)
  4. Create Lazer Actor(12:06)
  5. Lazer Ability Basic Setup(09:27)
  6. Spawn Lazer Actor and Change CameraMode(09:10)
  7. Lazer Deal Damage(10:23)
  8. Push Back Enemy and Mana Draining(09:19)
  9. Add Different End Ability Scenarios(14:12)
Section 7: Ground Blast Ability
10 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. GameplayAbilityTargetActorClass(12:35)
  2. Trace Overlapping Pawn(15:02)
  3. Broadcast TargetData(11:44)
  4. Create Cooldown Cost UIMaterial and do Debugging(08:41)
  5. Implement Target Confirm(08:24)
  6. Create Animation and Deal Damage Effect(09:59)
  7. Create Decal(08:14)
  8. Include LocationInfo in the TargetDataHandle(12:13)
  9. Ground Blast VFX(07:04)
  10. Finish Ground Blast And Debugging(12:04)
Section 8: Fire Blast Ability
6 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. FireBlast Animation Cost and Cooldown(08:36)
  2. Implement Fire Blast TargetAcotor(12:38)
  3. Do Fire VFX and Pushing(11:48)
  4. Burring GameplayEffect and Cue(10:11)
  5. Balancing Ability Cost and Damage(11:38)
  6. Refine Ability Mechanic and Animation(19:35)
Section 9: Melee Attack Ability Combo
3 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Create Melee Combo Montages(05:19)
  2. Implement Combo Logic(10:47)
  3. Use Curve Table To Determin Combo Damage(07:25)
Section 10: Bonus Section
2 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Use Projectile With Gameplay Ability(20:50)
  2. DamageExcutionCalculation(33:13)
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